Your Dream Companion Awaits


December 7, 2024104 ViewsShesDoll

Why Being Single Doesn’t Have to Mean You’re Stuck In A Dry Spell

I became a widow three years ago when my husband of 25 years passed away, and while l have been dating, l haven’t made any lasting love connections that could come close to the one-of-a-kind experience with my husband. lt’s been a bit of a struggle to meditate on what qualities my perfect partner might have, only to realize he might never arrive, at least in that ideal form. But recently l’ve had an epiphany about that ultimate partner – it’s me!

There are plenty of reasons why we might not have a sex partner, including breakups, sickness, our beloved passing away, waiting to find someone who is worthy of having sex with – or waiting for someone who is the perfect match. As a Sexpert, I can confidently tell you that it’s more than okay to say no to physical intimacy with someone new until yous are ready, In fact, it’s much better to be single enjoying your own sexuality, than to be miserable with the wrong partner.

“What’s wrong with me, why don’t l have a partner?” Norhing is wrong! Let’s respond with a collective “NO” to all this anxiety, and focus on loving ourselves, Sure, human connection is a wonderful thing, but if it’s not happening, connect with your self and treat yourself as if you are madly in love with you!

Let’s Take the Shame Out of Being Single

There’s a huge trend toward unplugging from technology lately, a backlash against our over-connected world, where we’re more likely to meet a new friend on social media than at a local gym or bar, So, here’s my revolutionary breakthrough declaration – that technology can actually be a partner, and, paired wirh your own vivid imagination, might just be the best sex you’ve ever had!

I keep my eye on sex tech news, and the newest sexual innovations are astonishing. Not only can you have a virtual girlfriend or boyfriend to keep you company and share wour interests digitally, but you can also custom high end silicone male or female love doll from places like ShesDoll. They’ve got natural eye movements, smiles, customizable personalities and full body hearing to satisfy all our evolutionary triggers, including full body sensors so you can bring your sex machine to a RoboGasm!

While l would certainly be game to try a winking and blinking silicone hottie sex doll with a bionie penis, at the $15,000 to $50,000 price point, I can wait. But at the Sexual Healch Expo in LA it was perfect timing to reeeive a Sybian from Bunny Lampert, whose father Dave Lampert invented the stimulation device in1987. It’s the Lamborghini of sex toys, a saddle with attitude! At first, I was intimidated taking it out of the box, but once it was all set up on my bedroom floor I was excited to mount my new lover. I wanted to enjoy the journey as much as the destination, so l chose the smooth flat top attachment to begin my adventurous ride.

Okay, so it didn’t talk to me erotically or eye-gaze, but it also didn’t stop untiI I turned it off, leaving a smile on myface. l made a commitment to try the Orb and G-egg attachment next time as l giggled to myself.

Whether you prefer a “mindful masturbation” session using your fingers, a sex toy or a love doll, let’s take the shame out of being single and dispel the old-fashioned stigma of being without a partner. There are plenty of perks to being alone, not the least of which is that you don’t have to worry about embarrassing body sounds escaping, having the dreaded STD discussion or any insecurities of aging. Not to mention you can skip the Brazilian wax and manscaping routines.

Let’s embrace the glory of our autonomy and ride the wave of being single and sexual all the way to mind-blowing orgasms and confidence in ourselves – that we are good enough on our own, period!