Your Dream Companion Awaits


August 26, 2024150 ViewsShesDoll


Simply, an orgasm is the feelings of ultimate pleasure that flood your body during the climax of sex. Tension is decreased and pleasure is increased as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are released in your brain and body. Endorphins are natural opiates and your body’s way of masking pain and increasing a feeling of euphoria. They are pretty awesome little dudes. 

Studies have found that during orgasm, people can withstand up to twice as much pain as usual. The brain chemical serotonin, which can act as an analgesic, dampens the sensation of pain. These hormones are a great cure for headaches. But did you know that regular climaxes can help you increase your health and well-being even further? 

Sure, they’re amazing and, in turn, make us feel amazing, but there’s more to them than that. Much more. Nothing in this world can make you look and feel quite like an orgasm does. This is actually a scientific fact.

Lessen Anxiety and Acne

Orgasms release muscular and psychological tension. Oxytocin is released in the bloodstream, hence its’ nickname, the love hormone, and it decreases overall stress. To engage more in both self-pleasure and sex with a partner that end in orgasm floods the body with the oxytocin that releases all forms of stressful tension. When tension is released from the body, inflammation is decreased and that means less acne. 

Better Immune System

Orgasms also release DHEA, a chemical that balances your immune system, promotes bone health, and helps repair torn tissue. An increase in DHEA also helps scare away heart disease and increase your lifespan. Orgasms can even help with healthy eating habits with the release of phenethylamine, which is a natural stimulant that decreases your appetite.  

If you want to lose a pound or two and keep it off then have more and more sex. Lesson your chance at heart disease by having lots and lots of sex. Clear your skin and decrease depression by having a ton of sex.  The hormones released into your body will keep you healthy, curb your cravings, and burn calories. The widespread health benefits of having an orgasm all stem from those precious hormones. Great sex equals a healthy life. 

Make You Look Younger

When we orgasm oxytocin is released into our body. Oxytocin decreases the amount of cortisol in our system — cortisol being that evil hormone that’s released when we’re stressed. With decreased cortisol and oxytocin pumping through your veins, your skin will definitely benefit, so much so that regular orgasms can even make you look younger by at least seven years, according to a 10-year-long study by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

Make You Look Sexy and Healthier

Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone,” makes us feel sexy and desirable. When we feel this way, not only are we able to enjoy sex more, because of all that confidence, but we even want sex more. Not to mention, women’s breasts increase by up to 25% in size during orgasm, so that can also add to that feeling of sexiness.

Not only will you feel sexier and more beautiful, but your body, from head to toe, will also feel fantastic. Because orgasms contribute to heart health, strengthen the immune system, and are natural pain relievers, after an orgasm — and in the days that follow — your body will feel so great, you’ll swear that you can take on the world and maybe even fly away.

Help You Relieve Stress and Sleep Better

Because oxytocin combats the stress hormone, cortisol, every time we orgasm we’re one step further away from all that stress we deal with on a regular basis. People are who less stressed aren’t just happier mentally and emotionally, but are also physically at peace and relaxed. Nothing makes someone look and feel beautiful quite like having stress subtracted from their bodies.

There’s a reason why you may feel sleepy after those toe-curling climaxes: Orgasms physically and emotionally relieve tension and exhaust the body, which allow you to fall asleep quicker. Generally, people do sleep better after having sex, but very often it’s from feeling relaxed and satisfied. People who sleep at least seven to eight hours a night aren’t just healthier on the insides, but it shows on the outside too. Orgasms, especially before bed, are basically nature’s sleeping pill — and the type of sleeping pill that will give you a restful night’s sleep, with little to no waking up.

Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Young men (20-29) who ejaculated 21 times a month or more were 19 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who only did so only 4-7 times a month. Older men (40-49), saw their risk drop 22 percent, also with 21 orgasms a month. Researchers don’t know why, but the basic theory  – that clearing out the prostate by ejaculating helps to keep it infection-free – makes a lot of sense.


Orgasms start up the sympathetic nervous system, which is the same system that ends hiccups when you are suddenly scared. An orgasm can cure your hiccups if they are caused by a lack of CO2. A climax increases both blood flow and breathing, therefore naturally increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. This knowledge gives us a different take on the story of a poor man who was documented having hiccups for 60 years!


Everyone knows that a day when you’ve had sex is just in a different category than other days— food tastes better, people are less annoying, you smile more. But sex (or simply having an orgasm) does a lot more than just put you in a good mood. That glow you see on the outside is reflected inside with increased health and well-being, even less illness.

Ready to get the most out of your orgasmic pleasure?

At ShesDoll, we put sexual wellness first. Our toys can help you feel the full benefit of the male orgasm by exploring everything your body has to offer.